As a recognized leader in the design and development of earthquake bracing solutions, SAFE-T-PROOF™ is continually utilizing the highest 3 rd party testing and evaluation of its fastening kits. Two such validation resources are the International Code Council (ICC) and the California Healthcare Access and Information agency (HCAi) for hospitals.
The organizations publish and make available to the public their findings after analyzing the performance of various SAFE-T-PROOF™ earthquake fastening methods. In the case of HCAi, an approval called an OPM, or Preapproval of Manufacture’s Certification, has been issued for an ever-expanding inventory of products that utilize the SAFE-T-PROOF™ fastening system to secure specific types of equipment. The pre-approvals are manufacturer specific and allow companies who receive these pre-approvals to speed up the sometimes-complex process of getting agency sign-off on means and methods for securing critical equipment. Check back often to see how our OPM list continues to grow. SAFE-T-PROOF™ is always in the process of working with equipment manufacturers to get this essential HCAi approval. If your company is interested in getting an OPM for your products please reach out to us at OPM@safe-t-proof.com and we are happy to help you with the process.
With the ICC assessment, an ESR, or Evaluation Service Report, is issued. Engineers all over the world utilize the ICC ESR as their base for a third part evaluation, conducted by the trusted leader in testing of construction components, and utilize this report to include the SAFE-T-PROOF™ product in various design sets. As with the OPM, the catalogue of SAFE-T-PROOF™ products receiving an ESR report continues to expand. For every ESR product in the line-up, rigorous auditing to a standard called AC-10, is conducted on a regular basis.
Whether you are looking for the latest OPM pre-approval or an ICC ESR review of the SAFE-T-PROOF™ product line, you’ve come to the right place. We are happy to help you if you need help in choosing the right bracing solution for your needs, give us a call at 800-377-8888.

OPM Products
Recently HCAi has approved the use of SAFE-T-PROOF™ OPM’s on for the securing of brands not specified in the OPM. As an example, OPM-0568 is issued for Omnicell units, however agency plan set approval was granted for the use of this bracing method for the securing of a blanket warmer in a California hospital.
While this type of cross-brand approval may not be allowed for the project you are working on, it may be allowed; particularly since precedent is now established. For more information regarding this, feel free to contact us at 800-377-8888.


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